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How Do Premium Increases Stack Up Against Earnings and Inflation?

Source: KFF Employer Health Benefits Survey, 2018-2022, Kaiser/HRET Survey of Employer-Sponsored Health Benefits, 2012-2017. Bureau of Balor Statistics, Consumer Price Index, U.S. City Average of Annual Inflation, 2012-2022: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Seasonally Adjusted Data from the Current Employment Statistics Survey, 2012-2022.

Cumulative Premium Increases, Inflation, & Earnings for Covered
Workers with Family Coverage

Looking at how yearly premium increases compare to workers’ earnings plus overall inflation paints a pretty scary picture of where we are now and where we’re headed. 

A2R creates lasting change


Affordable, high-quality healthcare should be accessible to everyone. So A2R drives value and plan options that satisfy your company's unique needs. We offer reliable, highly-rated healthcare solutions that large companies have used for years to control costs and provide employees with better care.


But that’s not all. While most healthcare solutions providers talk only about helping employers, we help employees control costs and enjoy better healthcare, too.

overall inflation blue wedge
Premium increases blue wedge
worker earnings orange wedge

What’s  Good  for  Employees
is  Good  for You.


Many employees have become desensitized to the value of health benefits through decades of standardization. But the fact is your benefits are an incredibly powerful tool for retention, engagement, job satisfaction, and recruitment.


Studies have shown that education around your employee benefits is often more important than the actual benefits themselves.


This is where A2R can help. We work with you to have honest conversations with your employees about the cost of health benefits. Our model incentivizes them to use high-quality care ratings, and low-cost providers for high-cost major procedures. And we show them how to use their benefits to reduce out-of-pocket costs.


Our Mission.  🚀


Our mission at A2R is to provide affordable healthcare for employers and employees by helping them control costs, expanding their choices for better quality care, and by improving how they navigate their health plan.

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