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A2R Healthcare Logo

Advanced primary care for all
Because empowered primary care physicians reduce costs and keep people healthier.Advanced primary care for allBecause empowered primary care physicians reduce costs and keep people healthier.
Significantly lower costs
For employers and employees alike.

Advanced primary care for all
Because empowered primary care physicians reduce costs and keep people healthier.

Significantly lower costs
For employers and employees alike.


Employee engagement
With healthcare costs rising for employers and employees, we’ll engage and educate your people to show them how to use their benefits wisely and cost-effectively.


Wide selection of doctors and facilities nationwide

A2R’s health plans provide access to the top-quality care you and your employees deserve.


Increased employee productivity

Greater access to quality primary care reduces the use of expensive specialists, ER and urgent care.



Real cost controls
Our plans put the power to lower healthcare cost where it belongs: right your hands.




With our plans, employees will know the true costs of care right up front – no variance or uncertainty.


Does Your Current Health Plan Provide all This?
Talk to A2R.

Predictability icon
Real Cost Controls icon
Increased Productivity icon
Employee Engagement icon
Significantly Lowering Costs icon
Advanced Primary Care icon
Wide Selection icon
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A2R can help you give it to them—so everybody wins! With A2R, you have the power to make sure your employees are getting the benefits they value, while also keeping your business costs low. It’s a win-win situation that is sure to bring smiles to the faces of both employers and employees alike. So, if you’re looking to give your employees the satisfaction they desire, A2R is your best bet.


[1] Ease 2023 SMB Benefits and Employee Insights Report.

A2R helps you ensure your employees are getting what they truly want from the benefits you offer. A recent 2022 study revealed what employees truly value from all benefits offered.[1}

Give Employees
What They Want.

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967 E. Parkcenter Blvd. #123 
Boise, ID 83706

A2R Marketing Logo - Better Healthcare, Better Cost
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We offer the flexibility your company needs to stay on top of your healthcare costs while providing the quality benefits that employees want. Our healthcare solutions support your employee health, as well as your bottom-line for group sizes from 2 to 500.


That's why we've made it our mission to provide a variety of options for you to choose from, so you can get the coverage you need at an affordable price.


We believe that you should not have to settle for less benefits, and that medical rate increases should not be accepted as the status quo. With A2R, you don't have to. Our healthcare plans cover the four major sections of healthcare: everyday healthcare, major illness, major surgery and hospitalization, and prescriptions.

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Time to Rethink Your Healthcare Solution. Now!

Are you tired of being stuck in an unhealthy health insurance plan that doesn't provide the coverage you and your workforce need? You're not alone. With medical debt rising to $140 billion nationwide, according to the American Medical Association, and with medical bankruptcy being one of the top reasons why Americans are filing, it's time for a change.


At A2R, we understand that you need a comprehensive and sustainable healthcare plan that will not only help protect you and your workers against the high costs of health insurance but also provide quality care for employees and dependents.

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With A2R, employers can offer a range of mental and physical healthcare benefits tailored to each individual employee. This can mean offering more affordable health care options, like, telemedicine, accidental, critical illness, dental, vision, disability, wellness programs, plus more. A2R provides a way to give employees what they value most, without having to absorb significant cost themselves.

Sustainability & Quality care icon
Major surgery blue circle
Everyday healthcare orange circle
Prescriptions yellow circle icon
Healthcare major illness circle

See below for full healthcare solutions

Better cost control and healthcare start with a better plan design. A2R Healthcare will collaborate with you to help you break free from the grip of insurance companies and put you back in the driver's seat. 


We provide a full array of affordable healthcare solutions from multiple healthcare companies customized to meet your exact needs. 


Whether you have two employees or hundreds across multiple locations, A2R can help you recruit and engage the best employees and improve the quality of care while lowering costs—so you can grow.


A2R Healthcare Solutions.

Solutions for a healthy business & healthy employees.


Reduce benefits spending
by 20 to 60%!

team meeting at able about plans